
Step 19

Create the holes in the paper by drawing an ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L.)


Step 20

Align your holes perfectly by using the Align Palette.


Step 21

Construct the pencil using basic shapes. Note, the triangle used for the tip of the pencil was created using the Star Tool. To vary the number of points the star has simply use the Up and Down Arrow keys while you're drawing the star shape.


Step 22

Give the area shown below a jagged edge by using the Warp Tool.


Step 23

Use Illustrator's built-in Metals gradients by going to Window > Swatch Libraries > Metals.


Step 24

The barrel of the pencil can be quickly created using a gradient to the fullest extent. To give the impression of a number of faces on the pencil apply a gradient with four colors, all slightly different but in the same family. Next, slide the yellow highlighted areas below so they're as close to the green highlighted areas.
